
newayz, i was really thinking about getting that ticket to korea....... but fuck, i don't deserve it. sorry lynn....... :T booooooo, and sorry me........ i miss u like maaad. but now that i finally kno how to dial yur fricken number, at least i can talk to u in major emergencies. :D

i promised myself 2006 is going to be more productive. even if med school doesn't work out for me--especially if it doesn't--i've got to refocus on building my character and my life story, regardless of this waiting period. once i've got that shit together, i'll take a nice 2 week break and party it up with u and all the left-footed sluts in korea. ;)

in the meantime, i've gotta get up to get dooown. ehehe. woOo 2006! check out this hottie lynn...... it's been a loooonnng time since i've seen eye candy this sweet. infact, he has to be the hottest male i have ever laid eyes on thus far (strong statement i kno, but can't think of anyone better looking off the top of my head). wouldn't he look great on my dashboard? ehehe... i mean on my arm? yumm...

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