
i called myself a misogynist yesterday by accident. lynn, stop laughing.

who knew misogynist meant woman-hater? i thought it meant averse to society, otherwise i wouldn't have agreed when my friend called himself one. this is wut i get for being lazy and making assumptions.

i learned something new today (aside from the correct definition of misogynist): misandrist is a male-hater. that should come in handy one day.

so hemingway was a misogynist?! am i missing something??

yes women can be scary but i don't hate most of them. only a few b/c they're SO female and hence super scary.
same goes for men. they can be pretty darn annoying when they are SUPER male. but to hate ALL of them...? when liam neeson and albert einstein and my pappy are among them? not possible.

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