me & mi favorite sac chica ariana at pipe works.
scaaaaary. it'll take me months to work up to that one.
luke to my right doing a much harder climb.
sam caressing the boob rock.
fuddylicious =9.
sis and me at tartine. most delicious 50 bucks i've ever spent.
wine and thymus, yummm =9. BIBA'S is DELISH.
i <3 katie i <3 katie i <3 katie. i also <3 soju.
katie has a booboo. and it's funny.
lynnie's back! hallelujah!!! don't ever deprive me of your presence again!
look at all the stupid things i did while you were gone. hallelujah...
fishies at a bar. how cool is that. and the bubble light thingies mooove.
i look demonic here. omg, ariana is not sticking out her tongue!
is that actually a normal smile?? ;)
still snapping pix of fabluss bathrooms. sharp shootin.
my new little nephew, joshua. he's sad cuz he got circumcised that day.
ji yun unnie has a baby! omg i'm old.
my favorite museum in sf, legion of honor.
can't wait to hit up paris and see some RODIN :D.
tahoe. pretty. cold.
nerdiness. fabluss.
wine, dorkiness, and good times.
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