it drew me in and wouldn't let me go. every curve, shadow, angle, shape is absolutely mesmerizing. from the subtle suppleness of the cheeks, to the generous folds of her headdress, to the details of her collar, eyes, and tasteful lack thereof on the posterior and base... the balance of every feature, and even the anomalies--the intended imperfections--resulted in perfection. i walked its circumference again and again, wondering how such masterpieces could be born. i wanted to reach out and run my hands over the smooth curves and fine features, pick it up and study it from all angles... but would i get my ass kicked! ehehe... ok, that's my rant.
"l'orpheline" can be found here:

the palace of the legion of honor. it has the most impressive rodin sculpture collection outside of the french rodin museum (thanks to the devoted collecting and generosity of a mrs. spreckels) and needless to say, it was in my opinion, the best exhibit there. his pieces draw you in and compel you to wonder HOW. utterly beautiful. heh, i'll stop. but the museum itself is gorgeous. "the thinker" honors the entrance, and the architecture is elegant and stately, in the european tradition (i believe it's a replica of the actual palace in france).

their 19th-c and impressionist (and rodin) collection alone are well-worth the $10 admission ticket, but they have a sizeable collection that spans the history of european art for other era-enthusiasts. plus, the surroundings are breath-taking, as it is perched on a hill that gives a 360 view from the pac to the ggbridge to sf the city, and back. the cafe has a DEElicious chocolate cake and some bitter ass coffee that complements the cake perfectly. :9 and the museum is FREE every 1st tuesday of the month--u know where i'll be then. :D

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