wat is it w/ frisco latin eateries and funky ass decor? for instance, cha cha cha and their weird collages of holy mary figurines and garage sale junk? similar thing goin on at tommy's. they had some neat stuff tho. if you ever go there, check out their tequilla display. it is what they're known for--tequilla. personally, i'm not a fan of pickled larvae or worms or whatever insect is at the bottom of that bottle, but it's neat to see how many kinds they have. they have bottles with holes cut into the glass shelves right above them so the top of the bottle goes thru the shelf. nice detail. :D
so we finally sit down and we end up next to this group of visiting brits. they ask the waiter for the best tequilla of the house (i guess they're REALLY known for their tequilla, or it's listed in lonely planet) and the doOd spits out a tequilla that's 300 bucks a shot. ((o___o)) craaazie. we stuck w/ our margarita and wine. newayz, they have yummy food and a great authentic vibe. recommend for a fun, casual meal surrounded by lots of sf locals, and some really loaded lonely planet readers :P.
saturday i finally caught up w/ miss katie chun (and her friend joann, far rite) in j-town. that place is bustling on sat nite--with lots of visiting fobs and white ppol. ehehe. we grabbed food at mifune which is always solid, and went to some underground k-bar across the street. it was 80% old white men and 15% old korean fob girls slutted out, and 5% us. they put nelly on the jukebox and one of the old white men in a suit started jiggling to it. xD entertainin to say the least. tourist-y pix w/ jtown tower in the background:

there's more but blogger is not workin with me at the moment. i'll edit later.
wat else? found a really sweet cafe on balboa and 38th called the zephyr. part art gallery, part study area, part cafe w/ yummy cafe mocha; it's a great place to crack open the books and study gchem to soothing instrumentals. :)
next exploration: brava theatre (for lesbian arts O__o) to see ely guerra! yaY :D i posted the lyrics to one of her songs in a past entry -- "quireme mucho." i'm excited. :D i'll sneak my camera in and try to take pix for yur viewing pleasure. back to the books!
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