
"For the launch of the new Volkswagen Fox [car] 21 international artists from the fields of graphic design, urban art and illustration turned Hotel Fox in central Copenhagen, into the world’s most exciting and creative lifestyle hotel. 61 rooms, 21 artist, 1,000 ideas Each room is an individual piece of art. "

SO kuL O____o i luv innovation. i am so proud to be a volkswagen owner rite now ^_____^;;

other news: i went in for my cheesecake factory interview and got invited for a 2nd interview for serving. :D i was like 2nd interview ?___? 3rd interview ?! ??____?? *sigh* who knew waitressing would be such a hard dream to realize? ehehe. if not waitressing, then crossing my fingers for hostessing. damn. i sound so ambition-less. but i've always wanted to try waitressing--for the environment, the food 101, the chance to meet people, and the idea that you receive direct affirmation of your sales/people skills [tips!!].

i wish i'd done this sooner. it took a month of unemployment, life upheavals, and several paulo coehlo books for me to realize that i shouldn't let my momma's old-fashioned hang-ups hinder me from doing things i really want to do--especially something as harmless as waitressing. i realized that that's not the kind of love i want to fight for; she may love me because i'm being a "good daughter" in obeying her, but i need to explore and live out my life and gain the kind of love that grows with the people involved. she'll be fine with it once i bring home some useful cuisine knowledge. ^^;;

come to think of it, she was so vehemently against me getting my motorcycle license, but now that it's done, silence. lol* mothers... and fathers... perhaps part of their jobs is to throw a few obstacles in your path so that you learn to fight for what you truly want and believe in.

so what next? the accursed word for all parents: art! >:) i started painting again b/c it's always with me [psychologically], and i think i'm going to try making it more than a hobby. more on this later.

let's see... it's october, so that leaves about 11 months before school starts, IF i get into medical school. hrm. which reminds me, i should apply to some master's and post-bacc programs just in case. so i guess, regardless i will be starting something 11 months from now. 11 months... to pursue some of those crazy things on my running list of "things to do in my lifetime."

checked off in the past 9 months: taught kids [yes, i'm a nerd], got a tattoo, new year's eve in times square [somewhat spontaneous event], travelled to a foreign country, got my motorcycle license, allowed myself to lose control [just for a little bit], and waitressing [in progress].

stuff i still want to do in the near future: pierce my tragus [spelling? the little flap in front of your ear hole], sell my artwork :D, go to a museum all by myself [easier said than done], write a story, have a one-nite stand [ambivalent on this one], ROAD TRIP or trek across europe, adopt a kid [ehehe, maybe just an overseas one for now, and then the real thing MUCh later :P].

that's all i the stuff i can think of off the top of my head, of what i've done and want to do. i should really make a tangible list.

life is like a box of chocolates: SO YUMMY =9.

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