
mit is so crazy. they are developing molecular assemblers that could be viable in the next few decades. molecular assemblers! like that shit on star trek where the food materializes out of some hole in your wall. i want me one of those. chocolate molten lava fudge cake please. again. again. one more hit. ehehe...

i would like to invent something really cool. like water in a tablet. pop one in your mouth and it rehydrates you AND you get the refreshing sensation of H2O. how cool would that be after a long ass hike? too bad i'm not a physicist.

today's weather was fricken awesome. thunder, lightning, rain, speeding clouds, then a warm, clear night of twinkling stars. *___*;; jus wut i needed. i was feeling so blah these past few days from sheer exhaustion. and then one 3 hour nap and a 3 mile walk/jog later, i feel like nothing can phase me. it's all about physiology. i wonder how much of our thoughts and reactions we're really in control of...

anyways, to bed or i'll be back in shitville again. yay for crazy weather. i hope this continues. i haven't jogged in the rain for ages and that's exactly wat i'm gonna do tomorrow if this weather keeps up. :D

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