
to my artsy-fartsy buddies: click, read, and let's go! :D Posted by Picasa


our listserve is quite active these days and flashbacks to previous reunions keep comin back. can't wait to see mai gerls... very sad that it won't be a full reunion this year, esp since mai soul-linked sis and butt-buddy are among the absentees. =I still, thankful that we still try to get together every year, despite our diverging paths. wut a classic pic. i can just see us, forty years from now, pointing to these group pics and reminiscing. **happy holidays to some of the most amazing women i know.** <3<3  Posted by Picasa


courtesy of Way...
i asked, "what are some kuL places in the city?" and this is his crazy response.
kudos to the sincere & thoughtful.

About the city:
I'm always going to say Chinatown. Stockton to Grant, Sacramento to Green. I practically grew up there, but no one knows me. The latest expansion took me to the south outskirt of North Beach. There are some great brunch places and also views, but the highlight is really the energy on the street. You know, the vibe of a marketplace. [...] on a good day, when you are in the mood to take things in, the scenery is so vintage its a time machine. but thats me. The hills can be killer if you're not into walking. There's this fusion restaurant I want to try around there that has an interesting drink menu. (There's also this other bar, somewhere that has a wildberry champagne kind of martini. also on the list)

Golden Gate park, leading to the Arbortoreum/Planthouse. The length of the park is nearly half the width of San Francisco and is the best place for a late summer walk with your dog, roller hockey, frisbee, and bike riding. There's even an equestrian arena. But really, I just travel through GGP to get to the Palace of Fine Arts and the Exploratorium. You probably know of it. The Greco-Roman style is crazy! I have this image of a Star Wars Parthenon in my head. It's like a kiddy geek playground but good for anybody curious enough about seeing previously unseen things in our world. the Optics! cripes. bring a camera and like 4 people. They have swans in the lake around the Palace, always the center of attention, and they are huge for birds damn!


makes u wanna go rite now huh? haha, i was jus there last nite and i realized even the city can get old if u go to the same places one time too many. especially if it's purely for alcohol and sex, and not the city <3<3. plus it was never the night life that drew me; it's the city's pretty places (the presidio, wharf, lombard, haight, the park) and creative atmosphere (music, art, food, culture, individuality). all together, it creates this urban closet-romantic city. tough and beautiful at the same time.

Way is doing a reading this wednesday; anyone interested in a city outing? call me :).

picture time! i'm a lazy mofo and don't take my camera out to stuff so most of the pix i post are from the more diligent. these were sent from korea; my newest niece, aileen gyuri kim.

lookie those chinky eyes. she's gonna be beautiful. Posted by Picasa

my cousin and seh unnie ("new sister") have a twisted sense of humor. Posted by Picasa

the secret to korean alcohol tolerance: start early. Posted by Picasa


talk nerdy to me.

keke. i luv it. saw it on a shirt today.

so in talking nerdy...

integrity, n.: honor; strict adherence to a moral code or values
Synonyms: candor, forthrightness, goodness, honestness, honesty, honorableness, incorruptibility, incorruption, principle, probity, purity, rectitude, righteousness, sincerity, straightforwardness, uprightness, virtue

whatever you call it, i value it above any other trait. i followed my impulses and unwittingly hurt a treasured friend in the process, and a potentially great new friend. ignorance was my excuse, but now that i am no longer ignorant, i can't pretend like nothing's changed. i could never continue on like there weren't people i was consciously hurting. i'd rather take a step back and choose another route.

for the record.


my sleep addiction is really kicking me in the ass. missed all the crazy black friday sales. i was really hoping to get one of those $10 bluetooth headsets and scout for the complete sex and the city dvd set. boohoo.

actually, this is the first time i seriously contemplated going shopping at f-ing midnite to hit up those deals. usually i avoid all that scary mob shit cuz i'm totally not competitive and i would be trampled. ehehe. mebbe it was a gud thing i slept thru it all. still, there were some f-ing awesome deals. shouldn't have had the turkey. i knocked out hard at 10:30pm. this could've been partially due to the fact that i didn't sleep the night before cuz of turkey bowl and karaoke, then breakfast with seb before dropping her off for a 7am flight.

slept till noon, then helped with all the food prep. i loved thanksgiving this year. good, quality, simple food and a quiet, cozy dinner with the family by the fireplace. cracked open a bottle of bougelais and apple cider (for the lil sis), and just enjoyed each other's company.

every year, we send over a care package for this harlmunni (grandma) who's like family to us. just a lil bit of everything we cook. usually she has a couple of her good friends share dinner with her; we invite her but she always declines b/c i think she feels more comfy with her harlmunni friends. this year, she only had one friend over and i couldn't help but think how lonely it must be at times. her only daughter divorced and moved to oregon with her granddaughter. her husband passed away a long time ago. so many life events and suddenly, you find yourself in the autumn of life with only the precious company of your good friends and family.

the more i see of life and people, the more i realize how true the words of the retired pennstate doctor were. i asked him for one piece of advice given his many years of life, and with so much conviction he said, "find someone to share it all with." i think in the autumn of my life, if i can count a handful of people as soulmates (friends, family, loves) then i could be content with "it all."

anyways, time to check out the stores and see if anything is left in the aftermath. pictures, courtesy of mel, from the past weekend:

ehehe. polly and debs. dinner at lulu's in SF. fairly good food and dessert. trendy, busy atmosphere. polly was a-hungered. Posted by Picasa

gud times in SF. PS. lulu's is f-ing $$$. recommended for special occasions only (eg. not pre-clubbing dinner on entry-level wages). Posted by Picasa

lol. the cute (strange ;) couple. Posted by Picasa

whoowhee. we were completely sober too. luvs partying with melmel. Posted by Picasa

fri nite at boss. check out those happy faces xD. Posted by Picasa

polly and her very fashionable and sweet chica debbie.  Posted by Picasa

lol. something about this photo is SO funny to me. polly, i dono how you do it! x) Posted by Picasa

ehehe. we were supposed to do funny faces and it somehow choreographed so perfectly. Posted by Picasa

some of the pahtay people and a big ol (empty) bottle of grey goose. Posted by Picasa

winner of best photo of the nite: jae in mel's designer fur Posted by Picasa

don't remember taking this picture. notice scary guy in the back. shiver. Posted by Picasa

the bday boy and his "lil" bro -- sat nite at club whisper Posted by Picasa


The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.
Here are this year's winners:

1. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realise it was your money to start with.
2. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly
3. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future. *puahaha*
4. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.
5. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.
6. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.
7. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. *luv it*
8. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.
9. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.
10. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)
11. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.
12. Decafalon (n.): The gruelling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.
13. Glibido: All talk and no action. *i'm gonna add this to my active vocabulary*
14. Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. *AHAHAHA*
15. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.
16. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out. *oOh, been there! amazon beelzebugs are inescapable*
17. Caterpallor (n.): The colour you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating. *oOh, also been there*
And the pick of the literature:
18. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

courtesy of D


fall is my favorite season

before, i couldn't decide on one favorite season. summer: fun in the sun, beaches, vacation; spring: fresh and pretty, new life, flowers; winter: snow, bundling up, hot cocoa, holidays. but last week, when the tree in our front yard turned beautiful shades of red and orange and yellow, and blanketed our front lawn with its warm palette of leaves, i realized this was my season.
and it's so perfect this year, with the wind (my favorite natural element) and the coolness of the day with a bright sun. i think something about the transitioning of the trees, the brisk weather, and all of the beautiful colors resonates with my character. that's probably not a good thing because fall=season heralding death, etc... but wat awesome fanfare eh? plus i can't deny my nature. (bad pun)

i'm dying for sleep rite now but it's been a while since i've updated so i'll do it quickly.
LYNN finally emailed after her training and she's doing well. i miss her muchos and am desperately busy trying to fill that void, while being busy being busy. comprende?

LA good times: lots of yummy food and faces i luv. :) jenn and schpono housed me and fed me lots of gud food (beacon, sushi, chocolate, etc.). checked out a neat jazz place called steamers with soo and john, and plans to check out a place where the floor is covered in peanut shells (weird). saw my old research professor; hasn't changed a bit. interview didn't seem to go too well but who knows. liked the i-5 drive, which tells u how long it's been since i've done that trip. blasted my country music the whole way :). workwork work, classes, lunches and dinners with friends, bars, clubs and parties with more friends. pix to be posted soon.

aiyO. sO sleepy. -_________________-


My FAVORITE city in the WORLD: SF with some of my FAVORITE ppol in the WORLD. Pix of L's goodbye visit follow..... Posted by Picasa

in order of ascending appetites: P with her H2O, me with my 1/2 chip, and L with that big ass hunk of a tortilla. Posted by Picasa

CHACHACHA sangria.....mm mm guuuuud. Posted by Picasa

yUMMMMMMMM. one of the reasons WE LUV SAN FRANCISCO: FRIED POTATOES at CHACHACHA =9 =9 =9 Posted by Picasa

i'm not even drunk yet. i grabbed a chip to put in my mouth and i got that dinky lil thing that looks like a toothpick. Posted by Picasa

L and P looking lovely as always. Posted by Picasa


argh. why do i always do stupid shit like this? currently, i am waiting for a scanned version of the questionnaire i left at home, which i will need tomorrow for my interview, which i'll be waking up for in 6 hours. O_o

i guess while i'm here.... THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! to all u guys who gave me SUuUUuuper advice on my interview and helped me practice umpteen trillion times. yu helped me to organize my many scattered thoughts and even gain insight on my life. :) gracias!

mmHM. u kno i never thought i'd miss LA, but now that i'm back...... wow. wut a totally different universe. i LUV norcal and all of it's chillness, but i think i'm craving the LA life all over again (even if the guys up north are much hotter). or mebbe i jus need to be back on my own and in a city full of people my own age with palpable ambitions and energy.

san francisco here i come! :D

email's here. whew. sleep time. big day tomorrow. nervous as fuck. O____________o hwaiteeng!


Quiero bailar, quiero sentirme hermosa
quiero cantar, ver el amanecer
quiero sentir sólo tu dulce boca
y bailar, quiero sentirme bien

Quiero bailar, quiero sentir el cielo
quiero volar, ver el amanecer
quiero vivir, sólo el dulce momento
y bailar, quiero sentirme bien

Y quiero, quiero sentir el calor
que tu boca despide en cada oración
que dices, quiero ser el corazón
que tu buscas, que tu buscas

Y quiero bailar, quiero sentir tu cuerpo
y bailar, quiero sentirme bien

Y quiero, quiero sentir el calor
que tu boca despide en cada oración
que dices, quiero ser el corazón
que tu buscas, que tu buscas

Quiero bailar, ser suave movimiento
y gozar, quiero sentirme bien
quiero sentirme bien
quiero sentirme bien
quiero sentirme...

Quireme Mucho
Ely Guerra


I want to dance, I want to feel beautiful
I want to sing, to see the dawn
I want to feel only your sweet mouth
and to dance, I want to feel good

I want to dance, I want to feel the sky
I want to fly, to see the dawn
I want to live, only the sweet moment
and to dance, I want to feel good

and I want, I want to feel the heat
that your mouth dispels with each word
you speak, I want to be the heart
that you look for, that you look for

and I want to dance, I want to feel your body
and to dance, I want to feel good
and I want, I want to feel the heat
that your mouth dispels with each word
you speak, I want to be the heart
that you look for, that you look for

I want to dance, to be smooth movement
and to enjoy, I want to feel good
I want to feel good
I want to feel good
I want to feel...


guten morgen! :D

leaving for LA this saturdayyy :D so much to take care of before then...

REcap: arigato~ finished training as a waitress but i still dono the menu. prolly cuz i've only been going 2~3 times a week cuz of my schedule (and this week's no better). everyone keeps asking me if it's tough, or, "it's a lot harder than studying isn't it?" i always reply, "it's different." but they still keep at it. it's not easy--there's a lot of elbow grease and pandering--but it's not newtonian physics. i get super hot when i'm running around but that's about it. oOoOh, but last nite i had my first ICKY customer experience. why is it always the korean ones who are the worst?? wut is up with our race?

it was a busy nite and i was helping clear off part of the sushi bar while the customers were waiting for the seats. the korean lady hovers over me while i'm cleaning and starts pointing at all the bits of food left by the last people. well DUH, that's why i'm cleaning the table. and WHILE i'm cleaning and getting to the rest of the table, she sticks her wormy little finger on a noodle and flicks it with this repulsive arrogant look on her face. that's fucking disgusting. and i was fucking getting to it and i purposely avoided it b/c we don't use our cloths for foods and sauce gunk cuz we DO have hygiene standards (we use napkins and toss everything out). i seriously rolled my eyes at her. fucking stuck up bitch. and then, AFTER i finished cleaning it, she had to go over it all herself with a napkin. why even eat out?! she should just stay home and clorox her silverware. that was the first time someone passed my tolerance level there. most people realize when they're being stupid shitheads and stop, but that lady had something up her ass and seemed to like being that way. ok all done bitching. :)

otherwise it's really fun. heh. the waitresses and sushi chefs are super nice, and the kitchen people are entertaining with their spanish/korean/english mishmash communication. still trying to find a way to help with that.......

lynn came and left and will be leaving for korea tomorrow... =( i don't think it's hit me quite yet, but then again, we've been doing the long distance friendship thing for a while now and we never really have trouble picking rite back up. we can just go "wheeeeeeeeeeee" for a whole conversation and have fun. and with all the wonders of technology: blogs, email, skype, aim... i'm betting we'll be up-to-date on each other as ever. i'm just hoping that this trip will be awesome for her and that she'll experience everything she's wishing for. <3<3>

so i FINALLY checked out studio 181 after all those times we talked about it (since JANuary) but never went. i liked it :). mixed crowd and neat layout. but i thought it was a lounge and we were going to lounge, so i dressed warm and kept getting overheated cuz we ended up dancing the whole nite. i was SO happy to be back in the city :D. i luvs that place. i REALLY rEALLAY REALLY want to move there. SO much eye candy ~ the art, the culture, the nature, the structures, the people, TODOS. i think once i establish a little experience waitressing, i'm gonna live up there for a few months, or maybe longer. there's more work up there and more volunteer opportunities and more enrichment stuff. :D

had a luverly brunch with lynn and polly before lynn's flight on saturday. polly gets a 50% discount at the italian restaurant she works at so we got to eat gourmet food at fast food prices :D. the zabbioni (?) there is soooo yummy. it's this fluffy, light pudding stuff with sorbet and rasberries, and hits the spot after a heavy meal. yUmm.

i could keep blabbing about how lynn got her black nano and how it is absolutely gorgeous, or how cute the bunnies in wallace & gromit are, or the global health special i've been following on pbs (which i wrote a fat entry on but LOST >:P), or my first game of texas-holdem on halloween, or the cute things younger guys say and do, but i've blabbed enough and it's time to do some WORK. but before i go..... lookie mai baby :D she's so cute. courtesy of my sister and her photography class: